Monday, December 12, 2011

Jacob from Chicago.  He needed a few bucks -- but, boy, could he play that harmonica, and there was light in his words.  I wish I could have given him as much as he gave me.
Wonderful rainy day; perfect to go out and do some shooting.  Being a Monday, everything was quiet to begin with, but with the rain not much was moving except a lone straggler or two.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Joe is the major part of a big project that I am currently putting together.  I am really enjoying this process because it makes me interact with Joe in a completely different way than I ever have.  In creating different moments with him, I get a chance to see him through the artist's eye; and I find that with each shoot I see things about him that I haven't seen before or that I just forgot to see with the passage of time.  With each image I find myself remembering why I fell for him in the beginning so many years ago.