My dad just passed away. During his life Dad loved music; and throughout his life he played the piano, the violin and the viola until his hands wouldn't work any longer. In the last years of his life dementia slowly took his memories until he forgot about his music too. The day before he died, I brought my camera to the nursing home where he was being taken care of, and I dealt with things the way I know how to -- by taking pictures.
When I was in his room looking out the window, I saw this small woods right next to the building, and all the trees were bare. In looking through the trees into the sun, this reminded me of the journey Dad was on: working on his way through the brush into the light. Looking at the two images, I felt compelled to combine them into one photograph.
After the funeral, and after the reception afterwards and everyone was gone, we were all tired, and I was taken with how wearing the day had been on my mom and sister.