Sunday, September 8, 2013

Holga Tintype

In working on my Holga tintype series, I had a couple extra tins left over from my first batch, and I wanted to try some double exposures.   What is printed on the tintype is not the same thing I see in the viewfinder.  The distances are different between the two as the viewfinder on these camera are off to a side and you're not seeing what's being shot.  So as I take more images, I will be better able to estimate where I want to place different items and get exactly what I want in the shot.
I'm also experimenting with shooting urbanscapes and different themes.  It's an interesting process to me to see what works and what doesn't.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Now and Then.

My partner, Joe, and I recently celebrated 37 years of being together, and I wanted to put together something that reflected the passage of time from when I was 21 to the present.

I have always liked to go through my family's photo albums and look at pictures taken of my parents, grandparents and others when they were children or young adults.  It's always given me a different impression of who they are.  I think many of us have the same curiosity about other people.

One of the projects I have been working on is a series about the LBGT community over 50 years old.  I know anyone in that age category probably has similar feelings.  However, in this youth-and-beauty-oriented gay community, there is an ever-increasing aging population that has now become invisible to the community at large.  With the series, I'm trying to find a way of presenting older LBGT to the younger generations in a way that we are not seen as a forgotten segment, but are just as vital as we once were.

So with this in mind, I've just started to work on presenting portraits of my subjects along with some image from their past which is important to them.