Saturday, August 25, 2012

I was recently asked by a couple who are expecting their first child to shoot their maternity photos.  My first thought was, "No way, I've never done anything like this before."  However, the words that came out of my mouth were, "I'd love to.  I think it would be great!"

I met with them a few days before the day we set to do the shoot, and we went over images on the net in order to find out what kind of style they liked.  Gina was adamant -- no outside photos (they just didn't do anything for her,) and everything they'd pulled up were done black and white with a black background.  I talked to them about the fact that with the black background especially, it'd be best to wear anything but black.  However, when they showed up at the shoot, they were both dressed all in black.  So one of my challenges was to make sure that their clothing didn't just disappear completely into the background (Photoshop helped me out there).

As always, whenever I allow myself to open up to new experiences, they turn out to be wonderful learning experiences, and I end up making closer connectons with people with interesting stories and life experiences.  And if, in some tiny way, I can do something for them that makes them feel good, that's what photography is all about to me.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! This certainly does not look like the first time you've taken maternity photos!
